Microsoft: We Wake Up Hungry to Know More

by | Dec 29, 2017

Microsoft, Hit Refresh
Anant Maheshwari, President, Microsoft India

Anant Maheshwari, President, Microsoft India

We got a few minutes to speak to Anant Maheshwari, President, Microsoft India at Media & Analyst Days 2017. Here’s what he had to say about the top priorities for Microsoft India in 2018. He also defines the new Microsoft in his own words.

DC: After Satya Nadella took over as CEO, Microsoft changed a lot in the last three years. How would you define the new Microsoft in your own words?

Anant Maheshwari: Learn it all. Those three words summarise it best. Wake up hungry to know more. Continue to work to figure out what you don’t know. And do everything possible to keep bringing that knowledge into our ecosystem, and then leveraging that knowledge to solve problems for customers.

 DC: What are the top action items on your 2018 agenda?

Anant Maheshwari: There are four things. The first is Modern Workplace. It is about how we create a seamless experience with the Microsoft 365 capability to create that modern workplace experience for all our enterprise customers.

The second is the Microsoft Azure platform. It is seamless from Azure public cloud to the hybrid and private cloud capability. More importantly, on top if that, the Azure data services that customers can activate.

The third one is continuing to leverage our partner ecosystem to drive digital transformation and make that as a continued strength of Microsoft.

There is a fourth priority, which is a focus on the SMB and the breadth market in India.

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DC: What about your programs for Startups? 

Anant Maheshwari: We have been engaging with startups through the Accelerator for a long time. The ISV program is very successful (in India). Of the new startups created in India, more than half of those are focussed on the enterprise. It is an area of strength for us to be in the enterprise space and work with the startup community.

The writer was hosted by Microsoft India for Media & Analyst Days 2017, in Hyderabad.

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Brian Pereira
Brian Pereira
Brian Pereira is an Indian journalist and editor based in Mumbai. He founded Digital Creed in 2015. A technology buff, former computer instructor, and software developer, Brian has 29 years of journalism experience (since 1994). Brian is the former Editor of CHIP India, InformationWeek India and CISO Mag. He has served India's leading newspaper groups: The Times of India and The Indian Express. Presently, he serves the Information Security Media Group, as Sr. Director, Editorial. You'll find his most current work on CIO Inc. During his career he wrote (and continues to write) 5000+ technology articles. He conducted more than 450 industry interviews. Brian writes on aviation, drones, cybersecurity, tech startups, cloud, data center, AI/ML/Gen AI, IoT, Blockchain etc. He achieved certifications from the EC-Council (Certified Secure Computer User) and from IBM (Basics of Cloud Computing). Apart from those, he has successfully completed many courses on Content Marketing and Business Writing. He recently achieved a Certificate in Cybersecurity (CC) from the international certification body ISC2. Follow Brian on Twitter (@creed_digital) and LinkedIn. Email Brian at: [email protected]
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