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‘Measuring the value of the data is a prerequisite for business success’

Ted Friedman, Distinguished VP Analyst, Gartner has interacted with several organisations and observes that data analytics leaders and Chief Data Officers are not directly measuring the financial value of data & analytics. He says that the value of data could be included in the valuation of the company in future. He also talks about the models that Gartner offers to help organisations assess the economic value of their data.

data-driven decisions, Data Analytics, data Integration

What determines your success in an organisation?

What are the attributes you look for when you join an organisation? Look beyond the salary, perks, and designation because there are other critical things that can determine your success or failure. This blog post discusses what you really should be looking for.

culture, collaborations, teams

RHEL 8: Simplifying the Management of Multiple Clouds

In the third and concluding part of our Red Hat series, we outline the features and enhancements of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8. These features are aimed at simplifying the management of hybrid, multicloud environments. Enhanced support for containers means developers can build applications once and run them anywhere – without worrying about the underlying hardware or the runtime environments.

hybrid cloud architecture, multiple clouds, cloud computing


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