CIOs in Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA) are clearly engaging with the era of digital business, with 50 percent participating in a digital ecosystem* and 65 percent contacting startups to acquire key digital technology capabilities and skills, according to Gartner, Inc.’s annual CIO survey.
Gartner, Inc. forecasts that IT spending in Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA) will total $1.25 trillion in 2017, a 1.9 percent increase from 2016. IT spending across all the constituent regions of EMEA will be almost flat in 2016, increasing 0.6 percent year on year.
Ever wondered why you see an ad for Samsung Galaxy A9 phones while reading a story about the forthcoming launch of Apple iPhone 7 on a tech news site? Call it smart advertising and right targeting if you wish. But a new technology called ‘Programmatic Advertising’ (also Programmatic Ad Buying) has enabled that in a jiffy. And it beats the old approach which is reserved (or traditional) media buying. Ad networks are passé. Real time bidding and digital ad exchanges are in.
David Lim, General Manager India, Singapore Airlines says consistent investment in product and service development has made it the most awarded airline in the world, with a modern aircraft fleet. He talks about some of the digital innovations the airline is deployed to achieve this.
Air India has launched a completely new app to its more than 18-million passengers which will take the user experience to a new level. Built by global technology provider SITA using its state-of-the art mobile platform, the app makes it even easier for passengers to book, check-in and manage every aspect of their journey from their mobile device.